William Hardy's Form Submission

Name: William Hardy

Discord Name: Sidedharbor

Discord ID: 305385871459221504

Age: 26

DOB: 04/26/1997

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): I like to think that the thing that makes me different is my overall attitude towards life no matter what hardships or things knock you down. I always believe that a smile and some laughter can bring you back up but with that being said, I know when to be serious And want to do my job and after years in law-enforcement, it taught me to go into every situation with a restarted attitude to get the best results

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 79

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): I’d like you guys to consider me due to my years of lawn Forssman experience, Milsim experience and role-play experience having been a part of multiple arma 3 servers several FiveM RP servers, and taking part in a FiveM millSim server I’d love to take that experience and put it towards your server

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 53

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes I do agree

What Faction or PMC are you applying for? Check Faction Information for available Factions & PMCs: RU

What skills can you bring to the Faction or PMCS you are applying for?: The skills that I can bring to my faction is my skills in making edited propaganda as well as my 7+ years of RP experience that I’ve helped me put myself in my character shoes to help build other peoples immersion

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”:: The only knowledge I have of the faction is the general knowledge of the Russian military known by most people

What is our Golden Rule?: Use common sense

What are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 31 in General Server Rules?: 7.No doxxing Anyone zero tolerance rule
8. No racism, sexist, bigoted, vulgar usernames steam,discord, ingame, usernames included
13. No contesting punishments given by staff open a ticket for appeal or clarification
17. Do not ask when you’re whitelist application will be accepted will lead to instant denial
20. Do not disrespect those who have served/are serving stolen valor, will result in a permanent ban
24. do not argue in Discord channels/chats
31. Absolutely no mod menus zero tolerance rule.

Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand): Yes I understand

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): Do not break any of the zero tolerance rules as they will result in your immediate removal and ban from the server without explanation as these rules are set in place to ensure that everybody has a good time, and ruins the game for someone else

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

Would be a great addition to the server, good understanding of the rules.

Additional Comments