Whitelisted Application - Daniel Pierson

What is your name?
Daniel Pierson

[What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)]

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

How old are you?

What is your date of birth?(e.g. 1993-06-03, Follow YYYY-MM-DD)
September 28 2007

**What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum)
What makes me different from other applicants is the strive for greatness, improvement, and teamwork that I posses, in everything I do whether it be IRL or in game, I try to present fun, innovative, and fair experiences to everyone. I do this by using my experience and expertise to relay information and trials that ive gone through, to show people how to do better and allow them to learn from me and then apply what they learn to their rp. Wether it be through training, word of mouth, on the field, I somewhat stand out as someone who doesnt necassarily always care about myself, but also the growth and well being of others.

**Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum)

  1. Knowledgeable: I possess a vast understanding of information, which can be useful for strategizing, discussing tactics, and providing historical context to enhance the milsim experience.
  2. Versatility: I can adapt to various roles and scenarios, providing guidance, insights, and facilitating communication between players to enhance coordination and teamwork.
  3. Quick decision-making: With my capabilities, I can analyze situations swiftly, offering efficient decision-making support and minimizing downtime during gameplay.
  4. Creativity: I can think of unique ideas, storylines, and immersive narratives to inject more depth and excitement into the milsim server, enhancing the overall player experience.
  5. Assistance in planning: Whether it’s organizing missions, coordinating schedules, or developing strategies, I can provide assistance in planning and logistics to ensure smooth operations within the milsim community.

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?

What Faction or PMC are you applying for? Check Faction Information for available Factions & PMCs
Canadian Armed Forces

What skills can you bring to the Faction or PMCS you are applying for?
I have extensive experience with GTA Milsim but have always strived to join a server that has the CAF. I can bring leadership, hard work, training methods, and more to the CAF to help make it better in any way possible. I can also apply IRL CAF training from IRL experience (whatever allowed not within the confines of confidentiality.

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”:
Yes, I met my buddy on GTA 5 milsim and he actually got me interested in the CAF 3 years ago. Now today I am currently in the Canadian Army as an infanteer.

What is our Golden Rule?
Use common sense.

What are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 31 in General Server Rules?
7: No doxing anyone.
8: No Racism / Bigoted / Sexist / Vulgar Usernames
13: No contesting punishments given By Staff
17: Do Not Ask When Your Whitelist Application Will be Accepted
20: Do not disrespect those who have served/are serving, If we find out you are a Stolen Valor, you will be permanently banned from OFSM
24: Do Not argue in Discord Channels/Chats
31: Absolutely No Mod Menus

**Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand)

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste)
The Zero Tolerance policy revolves around protection, including not being racist, homophobic, doxin, erotic rp, using slurs, etc. Just basic things to make people feel safe/and included.


You may still reapply to OFSM at any time.

You have claimed IRL experience for the faction you are applying for and a good understanding of the rules which would make you a great candidate.

However, after being reviewed by multiple staff members as per request, we have concluded that the question “Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum) is made up of AI generated content which is against our Application Standards.