What is your name? Tyler Smith
What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111) Slyris#1109
What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended) 818020438911090688
How old are you? 16
What is your date of birth? (e.g. 1993-06-03, Follow YYYY-MM-DD) 01/27/
What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum) What makes me different from all of the other people applying to be a white list? Member is I’ve been actually are paying for about three or four years somewhere along that line and I’ve been a major general general and all the ranks below that and I’ve been in basically all of the US Armed Forces am I know my shit I do not fuck off when I do fuck up I take for complain for it and I’m just a very straightforward guy which I don’t think a lot of people are because they’re gonna be afraid to see what’s to come after they become straightforward and I just believe that I’ll be the best for the white was position because I’ve been whitelisted within the server before and I know the server rules
Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum) 1. The reason why you should consider me to the whitelist application is because I’ve been in the server before and I’ve been in a whole bunch of different servers that were whitelisted and I just know how to role-play maybe some other people know how to role-play, and I know that most whitelist server have a age requirement which is for 15 something like that and I am very professional and everything like that
Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information yes?
What Faction or PMC are you applying for? Check Faction Information for available Factions & PMCs CAF
What skills can you bring to the Faction or PMCS you are applying for? 1. well, I can bring is my tactical skills, and the stuff that I brought from different servers, which includes my breaching communication and everything like that
Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”: Na
What is our Golden Rule? Use Common Sense
What are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 31 in General Server Rules? NO DOXXING ANYONE, No Racism / Bigoted / Sexist / Vulgar, Usernames No contesting punishments given By Staff (No arguing in game or out of game, punishments will be given accordingly. Open a ticket and follow the steps for an appeal or for clarification of punishment), Do Not Ask When Your Whitelist Application Will be Accepted, Do not disrespect those who have served/are serving If we find out you are a Stolen Valor, you will be permanently banned from OFSM, Do Not argue in Discord Channels/Chats, Absolutely No Mod Menus
Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand) yes
What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste) Threats of ANY kind out of RP, No advertising other FiveM servers, Using offensive terms or slurs in or out of character, NO DOXXING ANYONE, Absolutely no using banned words like the hard R, No Blackmailing, Absolutely no Erotic Roleplay (ERP), Absolutely No Mod Menus