Toronto's Staff App

Name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

Discord ID

Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe)
Johnathan Toronto

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can’t be. If you fail to have 2 Staff Referrals, your application will be instantly denied.

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:
Connor C. and G. Bobco

NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 2 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it.
Please ask a staff member to check your playtime either in game, via a staff call or by opening a support ticket. If you do not supply this information, your application will be instantly denied.

What is your playtime in the server?
2 days and some odd hours.

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

I feel that the server sits at a state right now where more moderation is needed for the betterment of the server. It could really benefit for the future of Operation Freedom Storm Milsim to have more moderators so the upper staff can focus on development and higher concerns. The need for staff is constant in a server of our size, and more moderators will always be a benefit. I also have a love for the future of this server, putting many of my personal funds up to start my own faction to try and keep OPFOR active so it shows that I care about this server than most because I’ve invested over 150+ USD for the future of Operation Freedom Storm. This server is such an amazing opportunity for the younger generation to fill out their dreams of being in the military and living out those ideas without putting themselves in harms way. with that having a good moderation team that can keep things fair and legit is important for the future of OFSM. I want to join this team because of the importance of having good moderation. I feel I can bring a lot to the table of Operation Freedom Storm. This server has an amazing community that is growing rapidly and all I want to personally do is ensure that every new person that joins gets the treatment they deserve. This is crucial to the server’s success if we are to continue to keep growing at the rate we are, having good moderation will play a key factor into this. I also want to join because I feel that I would make a great moderator and I have no doubt in my mind I can keep things fair and justified as needed. I wish for this server to do the best and I hope my actions in the operations I have planned and the organization I have brought the USMC reflect this.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

What would make me qualified to join the Operation Freedom Staff Team? That’s a great question and I want to reflect on my previous paragraph and some of the statements I made. I love this community personally, it’s the best FiveM community I’m currently involved in or even at ALL. I have such a deep passion for milsims they started my personal experience in the RP Genre. I’ve been doing Milsims since I was 12. I bring a lot of personal experience being a former Soldier of the U.S. Army and a Former Corrections Officer. I also have multiple years in Discord moderation being as I’m usually involved in HICOM in most servers that I join very very quickly. I have a natural skill for command and leadership. I’ve been that way since a kid. I also want to briefly talk over my personal skills and not just my experience. As me being as critical as I am in everything I do. I’ve made a great asset for many server because I’m a great investigator as I typically control whatever room I’m in. I have a very Authoritarian voice and attitude. I’m not a push over and deal with high stress situations like an absolute pro. This is what i excelled so much in being a former Corrections Officer. I’m great at critical thinking skills, dealing with multiple people at once and staying on top of things when I’m focused. I’m a great planner and do a lot of the Ops that we’ve done in the last week. Having more of those people on the moderation team of Operation Freedom Storm would be vital to this servers success, not saying it isn’t already. But for this server to continue to thrive and grow more moderators with my mindset is vital.

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team?

Any Additional Information?
I do want to thank the OFSM team for the opportunity to apply, thank you for reading I hope to join the team shortly.

Plus or Minus with amount EX: +1 or -1
+2 (Staff Referral)

Reason for plus or minus:
I believe that Syn would be a great asset to our team and can definitely benefit the server with his down to earth attitude and able to learn from everyone and be a good staff member. As well as he has some strong skills that we look for in a great staff member

Additional Information:

Plus or Minus with amount EX: +1 or -1
+4 (Staff Referral)

Reason for plus or minus:
Syn would be a good asset to the team and he definitely will bring good outcomes with the future of the server.

Additional Information:

Plus or Minus with amount EX: +1 or -1

+4 (Staff Referral)

Reason for plus or minus:
I had a lot of interaction with him and every time he i have been around him I’ve seen great skills in leadership and teamwork. I would also say he can show professionalism very well and is not afraid to yell at someone for doing wrong in the right manner which is something that i see will be great skills as a staff member.

Additional Information:
I would say that there is some members that are going to be tough and I’m curious of how well he will handle it.

Plus or Minus with amount EX: +1 or -1
+10 (Staff Referral)

Reason for plus or minus:
I believe that Syn can do some good for the server, he has shown that he was experience within the fivem community. There are some things that I’ve seen that can be improved on which they can be ironed out during trainings for staff (if accepted)

Additional Information:
As Chris said, there will be some community members that will be harsh so you will have to have thick skin to tough it out with out over reacting.