Synheim's appeal

What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

What is your in-game name?
Johnathan Toronto

Who warned you? If you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for your history.

What were you warned for? Put in the reason as 1:1 as you can remember below, if you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for you history.
I flew an apache without a gunner but never used IRs and only operated the missile system

Why should we accept your appeal? (50 Word Minimum)
I think giving the conditions that it should be appealed because most of CSTO was violating multiple op rules by spawning in 7 KA52s 10+ russian Fix Winged and even had PMC Pilots for those fixed wing. It was very difficult to try and follow the SOP at that point because I had asked staff to start enforcing the OP Rules and nothing was done and after the 5th BMP when they were allowed a max of 1 with 2 extra respawns I lost my shit. I apologize for my actions and next time that happens ill wait for a gunner but I was exhausted from the constant SOP violations from CSTO.

Do you understand that asking about your appeal will get it denied instantly? Allow up to 1 week for your appeal to be reviewed by OFSM Staff. If your appeal has not been reviewed in 2 weeks, open a ticket.

Appeal Status:

Reason for Acceptance or Denial:
Syn genuinely seems like he was under the influence of his rage and seemed to want to get revenge on players that were sabotaging his op which would make any operation planner rightfully upset. Syn just used a method of revenge that happen to break server rules which was why the warn was given in the first place

Additional Information:

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