Staff application

Name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)
Collin M.#8129

Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe)
Collin M.

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can NOT be. (1+ Executive Staff Referrals Are Allowed Temporarily)

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:
None. I am applying in my own.

**NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 5 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it. **
Please ask a staff member to check your playtime either in game via a staff call or by opening a support ticket.

What is your playtime in the server?
9hrs 48min.

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)
I am wanting to join the staff to to help better the community and become part of a family. I don’t have any bad attention, I do love role playing and I’ve been staff in other servers. I have a combined total of a little over 1300 hours. I am a very active person when it comes to the right thing. I also feel like everyone should be given a chance.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team?
I don’t feel like I have any qualifications that would make me stand out. I am very much a people person and love to roleplay. I am currently working on my firefighter stuff, and trying to join the military IRL. I go into every situation with a clean and open mind and hold no grudges.

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Tempest Roleplay Staff Team?

Any Additional Information?

Hello @Collin_M,

We appreciate you for showing interest to join the Operation Freedom Storm staff team.

However, we cannot proceed with this staff application. The reason for this decision is that you did not meet the minimum requirements for staff referrals and play time.

As stated in our staff application template, you need to have at least two staff members who can refer you. Unfortunately, your application did not include any staff referrals.

Additionally, you need to have at least two days of play time on our server to be eligible for staff. According to our records, you only have nine hours and forty-eight minutes of play time.

Note: If you are unsure of your playtime do not hesitate to make a ticket

Although we respect your opinions about everyone should be given a chance though we hope you understand that these requirements are in place to ensure that our staff team is composed of experienced and trustworthy players who can provide quality service to our community, and also so it’s fair for the community and other applicants.

You can reapply for staff after you have met the minimum requirements.

We hope to see you soon!

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.