Staff Application | OFSM

Name in Discord: bil4664#8153

Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe) Bil Smith

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can NOT be. (1+ Executive Staff Referrals Are Allowed Temporarily)

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you: Maybe Connor?

**NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 5 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it. **
Please ask a staff member to check your playtime either in game via a staff call or by opening a support ticket.

What is your playtime in the server? 1 day and 8 hours

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

don’t like to write down stuff In applications, and I suck to It… But I’ll try my best. So, hello! I’m Bil Smith. (Don’t wanted to say me real name… Can be asked In DM.) I am a 16 years old boy. And have experience within a lot of servers as Staff. I am active within the team. I’m responding quickly to tickets/DMs. I am good at communication with others. I’m from Vest of Norway. 4 Biggest City In Norway. I know I don’t have 5 days playtime at the server… But I’ll get that. And the reason of why I wanted to apply before the timer. Was because, I know what I’m doing. And as I said. So, am I active within the team. I like to meet new people. And to be known with them. I’m not that good at English. Then I mean writing, or speaking… But I’m trying my best. I can say that I am going on High School. 1 grade. But thinking to quit It, as I don’t have that good at the school. And I’m 16, means I can manage that by my self. Anyways, my strengths, are that I am good at communication with others. I can make people laugh sometimes… My weakness? Ehhm ye… I guess It’s that I can be sometimes angry at people If they are killing me, and then I might say, that they have no mercy from me… But I’m gonna manage It. And gonna make It stop. I’m mature for joining the team. I’m burning for It. And I would make more experience out of It. As I also said earlier, so have I experience as staff for like 2 years as Discord Mod. And FiveM Mod.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? Experience. Wanna help others. Have fun with others. And be nice to them.

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? Yup.

Any Additional Information? Nope.

Just wanted to say that I got 2 days 1 hour, 30 minutes.

Plus or Minus with amount [EX: +1 or -1]
Reason for Plus or Minus:
I think that bill could be a useful asset to the OFSM staff team, he shows interest in the server and has done a bit to try and help with promotion of the server. He also worked closely with staff to help get things done.
Additional Information:

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*On behalf of Adrian D.

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So Accepted? Or denied?

Plus or Minus with amount [EX: +1 or -1]
Reason for Plus or Minus:
Bill seems like he honesty cares for the server, and is mature enough to try to be a staff member and help the members of OFSM
Additional Information:

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