Staff application for OFSM

Name in Discord (tbvandres)

Discord ID 887701945157042247

Name in FiveM (R. Clark)

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can’t be. If you fail to have 2 Staff Referrals, your application will be instantly denied.

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:

NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 2 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it.
Check your play time by doing “/playtime” while in game.

What is your playtime in the server?
I don’t really know my playtime, i know it may not be enough but i can promise you being accepted into the OFSM staff team i can bring a lot of play time and promise to show a lot of activity if you can trust me.

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

Honestly in my opinion the reason i want to be apart of OFSST is because i really enjoy milsim, i would play milsim role-play’s back then on console, after a few years i upgraded to a gaming desktop computer, I would play ARMA III It was a really good experience game that taught me everything about milsim, back to the main topic the reason i wanna be part of the staff team is because id really enjoy helping out around the server, i can show a lot of activity, ive had alot of experience as a staff member, i’ve owned my own server called Texas state rp, it was a fivepd server i ran the server up for 5 months i would get a bit of members like 14 a bit but shutdown due to insufficient funds, i personally know how to run and take care of certain scenes i do have a lot of experience being staff on other multiple servers, i believe with my knowledge of staff i feel like id be a great awesome staff member of OFSST, those are the reason i believe i should become part of the staff team i believe i will gain a ton more skills to be the best outstanding staff member out there that will help those in need/ new members help them setup and teach them the rules of the server and many more. i can promise to be active, reliable, great leadership, amazing communication, teamwork, great discipline, problem solving, and great dedication to being the best staff member that i can be, that’s why i believe i wanna be apart of OFSST, id enjoy helping out best i can and be the best reliable trusted staff member out there and i will do my very best to be that kind of staff member.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

what i believe makes me qualified to be a staff member is showing my past experience, i was a previous server owner with a good amount of player base, i have a ton of amazing background experience with being a staff member i personally feel like with all of the experience i have i feel like im qualified enough to become a staff member of OFSM staff team, It would be my duty to ensure that all players are following the server rules and guidelines. This may involve issuing warnings, temporary bans, or permanent bans to maintain a fair and enjoyable roleplay milsim server,I would be responsible for helping players with any issues they may encounter, such as technical difficulties, rule clarifications, or any other questions they may have. I would strive to provide prompt and helpful assistance to ensure a positive community experience for all players. As a staff member I would stay up to date with the server updates, new features, and community feedback. If players report any bugs, glitches, or cheating, it would be my responsibility to thoroughly investigate these issues and report them. I would actively seek opportunities to learn and improve my skills to better serve the community as a outstanding staff member of OFSM staff team, Overall, my responsibility would be positive and enjoyable gaming experience for all players, while ensuring fair and respectful interactions within the community. overall with all i have listed below those are all the following reasons why i am qualified enough in my genuine own personal opinion to become a staff member for OFSM, with all those quantities listed i believe i should be accepted into staff and with me being accepted i will show tons of activate no matter how many players i will show tons of playtime to help out no matter what.

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? yes.

Any Additional Information?


Failure to provide 2 staff referals
Failure to provide time played in server

Try to amend these and make a new application. Also our server’s abbreviation is OFSM not OFSST.