Rhoynar Ban Appeal

What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

What is your in-game name?

Who banned you? If you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for your history.
i think connor

What were you banned for? Put in the reason as 1:1 as you can remember below, if you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for you history.
saying the n word in a private vc

Why should we accept your appeal? (100 Word Minimum)

I humbly request reconsideration for my ban. While I fully understand the gravity of using offensive language, I implore you to consider the context. It was a slip-up in a private voice chat, and I assure you it’s not a reflection of my character or values. I acknowledge the harm caused by such language and am committed to ensuring it never happens again. I deeply value the OFS RP community and the opportunity to participate positively. I sincerely apologize for any discomfort caused and assure you of my dedication to upholding the standards of respect and inclusivity within the server.
Also I thought a private voice chat doesn’t really count as a public voice chat.

Do you understand that asking about your appeal will get it denied instantly? Allow up to 1 week for your appeal to be reviewed by OFSM Staff. If your appeal has not been reviewed in 2 weeks, open a ticket.


Unfortunately the voice chat used was a public VC but that doesn’t make you immune to the rules of OFSM. If you are in any way shape or form relating to OFSM then it falls under our rules. Even if it’s a VC in say the CAF discord that only officers can join. It is still within the boundaries of OFSM as it pertains to it. Unfortunately Hard-R is non appealable. Maybe try again in a few months if you’d like but for now this is how it will remain. Choose better words next time.

Connor C. - Director of OFSM