Reacher's Ban Appeal

What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

What is your in-game name?
Jake Reacher

Who banned you? If you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for your history.

What were you banned for? Put in the reason as 1:1 as you can remember below, if you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for you history.
I dont remember the reason exactly but it was somewhere around blackmail and shaming a staff member

Why should we accept your appeal? (100 Word Minimum)
I do deeply regret my action they were unnecessary and I overreacted. I feel as a person I have grown tremendously and would love to come back and contribute to the server again. There is no other place like this on its level. I want to experience that again and I don’t feel my actions justified my ban but I’m more than willing to apologize for my actions because it was not an appropriate reaction. I do thank you for looking over my appeal and I ask you to consider it with the best of heart. Again thank you have a wonderful day.

Do you understand that asking about your appeal will get it denied instantly? Allow up to 1 week for your appeal to be reviewed by OFSM Staff. If your appeal has not been reviewed in 2 weeks, open a ticket.

It has been agreed upon by the staff team that your appeal can be accepted. You will receive a DM shortly regarding the next actions that need to be taken.