Pugs staff app OFSM

Name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)
Discord ID
Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe)
CAF | Gen | Pug

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can’t be. If you fail to have 2 Staff Referrals, your application will be instantly denied.

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:

Jack R. | HA
Goff | A

NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 2 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it.
Check your play time by doing “/playtime” while in game.

What is your playtime in the server?
3+ days

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

The reason I want to join the staff team is because I’ve been apart of this community for a bit and I’ve been keeping my head down and getting where I wanted so I’m going a bit further and trying to apply for the staff team here at ofsm and since the ofsm staff team is looking for people so I’m wanting to join and I’ve got prior experience as a staff member for other servers and with the 2 step for applications I can help out and do interviews as I’m free most days when I’m not in school and I’ve got no issues doing interviews for people to get them in the server and help get this server active and back hopefully having the player base we had before we got shut down so there is why I would like to join the staff team here at OFSM.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

What I think makes me qualified to join the OFSM staff team is my prior experience being a staff member for other servers and also being a staff trainer and I can use that prior experience in OFSM I’m also active in server so I can be on most days when there’s not a lot of staff on and make sure everything’s running the way it should be in game and for the discord side of things I can do interviews and check applications with out any issue I can also deal with support tickets when there made and help that way and I can also train new staff members if I had to I’ve got no issues with doing anything that would be required for the server like interviews, applications and any other staff duty I’ve also been apart of this server for a while so I feel like I’m qualified to join the staff team here at OFSM

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team?

Any Additional Information?

Positive Or Negative

I still would like to see some in-game improvement. When it comes to arguing in chat and fighting with members. I know we had a meeting yesterday about it. Keep up the good work so I can + your app.

Positive or negative


I am still conflicted on the actions you have shown in the past about arguing a lot in chat there for you get a -1 from me.

Positive or negative?


I do see a lot of potential in you but due to the situations that occurred I think we should give it some time to evaluate you some more.