Please accept my appeal pretty please

What is your name in Discord Frosty_w)

What is your Discord ID? (921886851881656331)

What is your in-game name? 101st | PV2 | Josh

Who warned you? If you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for your history.
101st | BG. | C. Kyle

What were you warned for? Put in the reason as 1:1 as you can remember below, if you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for you history.
1:1 I was warned for respawning right in front of someone and it was not at base.

Why should we accept your appeal? (50 Word Minimum)
You should accept my appeal because Its my first offence and its not going to happen again. I respawned because I ran so far and up a mountain just for me to get reset My assets were not all loaded in so I did not see the guy on the bike. I was going to look for anyone up on the mountain and I would respawn back at Geronimo. I do take full responsibility for my actions I disobeyed a order from Kyle and I do take full responsibility

Do you understand that asking about your appeal will get it denied instantly? Allow up to 1 week for your appeal to be reviewed by OFSM Staff. If your appeal has not been reviewed in 2 weeks, open a ticket.

Approved or Denied?


Additional Comments
Prefer to have the name of appeal like this for example:
“J. Doe Warn Appeal”