Jake's Form Submission

Name: jake

Discord Name: 𝔰𝔫𝔬𝔬𝔭𝔦𝔒𝔰 𝔧𝔯ℒ#3371

Discord ID: 3371

Age: 14

DOB: 03/15/09

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): i have been in a few severs im very good with roleplay and i can bring good roleplay and relistic rp i have been into the nato forces for a while and know alot of stuff and im willing to be very active even when school is in i have alot of stanths and not alot of weeknesses and god bless the us

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 63

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): Passion for the work and proven abilities
Differentiated experience in the field
Exceptional drive and determination to succeed
Unique skills that separate you from other candidates
Ability to elevate the team’s current capabilities
Deep belief in the company’s mission
Sense of connection to the company and team culture
Real-life examples of how you can handle real-life situations

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 50

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: yes

What Faction or PMC are you applying for? Check Faction Information for available Factions & PMCs: USMC

What skills can you bring to the Faction or PMCS you are applying for?: Active listening
Written communication

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write β€œNONE”:: no

What is our Golden Rule?: dont ask staff about things you shouldnt

What are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 31 in General Server Rules?: no doxing no racism no contesting punishment dont ask about your white list app do not dis vets dont stop ops midway do not fight in discord chats no mod menus

Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand): yes do not vdm

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): if cought once you will have no other chances

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

*You look like you read some of the rules though didn’t put enough in the 75-word count question which a minimum requirement for that question. As well when answering our Golden rule, you answered it incorrectly please check what our golden rule is. *

Additional Comments
Would like it if you put commas in between β€œwhat are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, & 31 in General Rules” questions

Referring to these as incorrect and need fixing:

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