Jacob Parks's Form Submission

Name: Jacob Parks

Discord Name: J. Parker#1138

Discord ID: 725553103990161510

Age: 17

DOB: 02/27/2007

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): I love the military and the Army I hope to join and move up that ranks one day. But Im still humble im not cocky or unrealistic with myself. I have a good very knowledge of military standards and operation structure. I have a family of service memebers and vets and they’ve taught me a lot, I like milsim because its the closest I can get to the military other than airsoft milsim. Im a patient person Ive learned to do things even when I dont feel like it I grew up a matured a lot faster than kids my age getting a job at 12 and and pretty soon Ill have all 4 Electrical certs. Im not like most other 17 year olds I care about my charecter and future more than present day.

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 135

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): I’ve been playing FiveM for nearly 4 years and through those years I’ve made many freinds and had many connections but the best connections I ever had were in milsim. Ive been in many Milsim servers some bad some very good I know the different between a good organized and mature milsim server from a pop up server that’ll only last for a couple of months. One of those servers was Battlegrounds RP it was one of the best and set the standards for a milsim server VERY high. With that being said since I was a member of that server it set MY standards for Milsim roleplay very high, whether it be Respect, Patience, Training, Proffessionalism, or Chain of Command. I’ve been taught by the best and when that server closed long ago I’ve been looking for another one with a good player base, im hoping this is the one.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 151

What faction are you applying for?: US Army (I know its closed but thats the only faction I’d join so if yall get a spot open put me in it)

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining?: My knowledge of communication, CQB, Ranking, Training, and basic combat would make any faction grateful to have me. Along with my prior experience in Battlegrounds and United we Stand, which taught everything one would need to know about milsim roleplay.

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what? (If none, write NONE): Yes, In every milsim server Ive been in I have been in the US Army. along with my dream to join IRL and Surface level understanding of the US Army regulations and protocal

What is our Golden Rule?: Use Common sense

What are rules 4, 9, 11, 13, 23, and 32 under General Server Rules?: 4: No poaching for other servers in discord
9: No drama
11: No spamming in chat
13: No contesting staff punishments
23: No bashing other factions
32: Discord name policy

What are rules 4, 6, 11, 13, 20, and 25 under In-Game/RP Rules?: 4: Do not contest staff punishment
6: Tank canons are not permitted on ground troops uness armed with explosives that are a threat to the tank
11: No sniping airplane pilots
13: Follow vehicle limits
20: RPGs are not allowed on ground troops
25: maintain a realistic loadout

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): If you break a Zero Tolerance policy you are subject to an immediate ban by staff with no warning

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes

Switch faction to Russian Federation

Good understanding of the rules, claims experience within the US Army in Milsim servers and FiveM. Accepted, changed to RU per user request.