Jack Sullivan's Form Submission

Discord ID: 706820701230989342

Name: Jack Sullivan

Discord Name: Texassulli#6151

Age: 17

DOB: 06/20/2006

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): I am different because of my experience in role-play and milsim I have been in many milsim Servers the past three years and enjoyed my time and all of them I’ve been a very high rank and some and also staff, I have great leadership skills leading men on the ground training to do things in game Also, I have experience writing sops And training guides I always follow the rules and take milsim professional I enjoy when it’s done right and it’s more fun that way for everyone

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 89

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): I should be considered because of my past experience In milsim in servers like URP/AFMRP and battlegrounds In all, I was very good And in 2 I held high ranks And helped out a lot to build and maintain those servers and really enjoy my time there. I’ve been looking for a new server for a while and this is the one I have chosen to dedicate my time to and put lots of work into and help out as much as I can.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 84

What faction are you applying for?: US marine SEMPER FI

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining?: My leadership,experience and professionalism will all make me a great candidate for this server and faction and look forward to joining and having some fun

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what? (If none, write NONE): My experience in marines is all milsim but I played in a dayz milsim for about a year as a marine and was a high rank there in fivem I mostly played us army but am happy to start new

What is our Golden Rule?: Use common sense

What are rules 4, 9, 11, 13, 23, and 32 under General Server Rules?: #4No advertising other fivem servers
#9 no drama or spreading rumors
#11 no chat spam
#13 no contesting staff punishment open a ticket
#23 no faction bashing
#32 follow discord username policy

What are rules 4, 6, 11, 13, 20, and 25 under In-Game/RP Rules?: #4 do not contest staff punishments
#6 tanks cannot use the main cannon on ground troops unless the ground troops have explosives
#11 no sniping airplane pilots while airborne
#13 no breaking vehicle limits
#20 no using rps to kill ground troops
#25 maintain realistic loadouts

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): If any of the zero tolerance policies are broken you may be banned by staff at any time without warning such rules being broken may be detrimental to the community

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes I do


Good understanding of the rules and claims experience