IRL: Jeremiah Magrosky In-Game: Justin Kamborlin's Form Submission

Name: IRL: Jeremiah Magrosky In-Game: Justin Kamborlin

Discord Name: zlux#4287

Discord ID: 745168253143351299

Age: 16

DOB: 08-22-2007

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): I am different from the rest, because I have what it takes to serve my country and I know other people might have what it takes too, but I will go above and beyond what it takes to save my country and homeland I have the will to fight for the United States of America and fight for what make it free and fight for the constistution of the United States of America and make sure that everyone can live their lives and I am willing to live a horrible life so that the people of the America can live good ones and I feel like thats what makes me different from the rest of the people applying here and they might not have the same mindset as me which is fine, but thats what makes me different.

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 138

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): You should consider me for the United State Army due to me having some knowledge on this faction I am chosing to join and I have knowledge on combat skills, and survival skills I know how to surive in the wilderness and can take advantage of that if I am behind enemy lines gathering intel for the people back home and I know basic CQB which I think will help me in many cases weither I am with my squad or we get seperated and I bring a positive vibe to the places I go I try my best at everything I do everywhere and try to make a impact on the people around me and try to increase the positivity around me weither were in the front lines or back home at base I will bring positivity everywhere and will bring my opinion on what we should do on operations if needed in certain situations and I do have prior FBI HRT experince and SWAT experince from other servers and I know being a SWAT officer and being a soilder are different, but I feel that could help in some areas when in the battlefield, and you should consider me, because I care about the people around me I want to make sure all of those guys I go in with make it out it doesn’t matter if I don’t make it out I just want those guys that I went it with make it out and I would risk my life to save those guys.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 257

What faction are you applying for?: United States Army

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining?: The skills I can bring to the United States Army are my CQB skills basic room and building clearing skills and my LEO experince I can bring I know LEOs and soilders are different things, but I feel that knowing how to use and handle a weapon can be helpful for combat and knowing your way around a rifle is very useful when you need it, and I can bring my large vehicle driving skills to the United States Army I used to drive bearcats and MRAPS when I was FBI HRT and SWAT, and was a lead instructor on training people on how to drive them so I know how to drive a big armoured vehicle and those are the skills I can bring to my faction I am joining.

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what? (If none, write NONE): I have very little prior knowledge so I am going to say NONE.

What is our Golden Rule?: Common sense is to be used as it always should

What are rules 4, 9, 11, 13, 23, and 32 under General Server Rules?: | #4-Is not to advertise any other FiveM Server.
| #9- Is Don’t cause don’t nonsese drama nobody wants to hear or make something up about somebody.
| #11-Is to not spam or reapeatly pin someone in general chat asking for something when there is more professional ways to communicate with someone via DM’s.
| #13-Is not to argue with the staff members decisions and to open a ticket and take it from there in the discord .
| #23-Is no faction bashing which is no hate speech to another faction saying that their said faction is trash and that yours is better that’s not allowed.
| #32-Is to abide by the discord name fomat in the server rules document no special letters or anything like that keep it professional Ex. UNIT | RANK | NAME.

What are rules 4, 6, 11, 13, 20, and 25 under In-Game/RP Rules?: | #4-Is that you are to follow a staff members instuctions if they are instructing you to do something.
| #6-Is that tanks are not to use their main cannon unless there are ground units with anti-tank weapons or explosives.
| #11-Is that you are not to snipe fighter jet, plane, or bomber pilots out of the cockpit you can only snipe pilots of helicopters.
| #13-Is that you are not to break the vehicle limits for example have a realistic amount of people in a vehicle they would have in real life.
| #20-Is that you are not to use Rocket
| #25-Is

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): In my own words is that if you broke any of the zero tolerance rules the ownership team and the staff team have zero tolerance for you so if they see you at anytime or act upon you commitng a zero tolerance rule you can be subject to being banned or whatever the penalty is of the rule that has been broken.

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes, I agree to all of the server rules and policies

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

Would be a great addition to the server, good understanding of the rules.

Additional Comments