Hank Johnsons Whitelist application

What is your name?
Hank Johnson

What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

How old are you?
22 Years old

What is your date of birth? (e.g. 1993-06-03, Follow YYYY-MM-DD)

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum)
Some things that make me different is the first thing I am very driven when a task is needing to be done, I simply don’t stop until said task is achieved. Another thing is that I am very passionate in roleplay as its one of my hobbies, always looking for way to better or even expand my roleplay experience. I am very respectful to my piers as well as my commanding members as they have that spot for a reason and it is to be respected and really just simple common sense to do so as well. Another thing is maturity, I hate immature people and honestly have no room for them in my life and always try to help/advice people if they are needing to be corrected (of course within rank). A little side thing about me is I am starting to get into the middle eastern wars history and liking it a lot.

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum)
I feel I should be considered for a few reasons, one being I can work very well with other as that is one of my strengths is working in teams or being a team player as we all know teamwork makes the dream work. Another reason is my level of professionalism, I always strive to not just tell but show that I can operate in a professional manor, as its always best for roleplay so the scenes and well even roleplay can operate more smooth. As stated above I am also very mature meaning if a serious situation was to occur my command can depend on me to help get the boys and girls quite up and listen to the details. I have had my fair share in FPS games as well as milsim games and always enjoyed the atmosphere as well as the members I would meet.

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?
Yes 100% agree

What Faction are you applying for?
US Marine Corps.

What skills can you bring to the Faction you are applying for?
Communication skills, team player, thick skin, maturity

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”:

What is our Golden Rule?

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste)
I notice a few of zero tolerance policies but the main important one would have to be NO STOLEN VALOR meaning I cant come in here sayin “oh im the sergeant of the marines airforce division” and just sitting there claiming something I am not not to mention in some states IRL that would be a felony crime.


Has a good understanding of the rules