G. Bosco's Staff Application

Name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

Discord ID

Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe)
G. Bosco

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can’t be. If you fail to have 2 Staff Referrals, your application will be instantly denied.

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:

  1. J. Garret Sr

  2. Connor C.

NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 2 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it.
Please ask a staff member to check your playtime either in game, via a staff call or by opening a support ticket. If you do not supply this information, your application will be instantly denied.

What is your playtime in the server?
2 days, 48 minutes

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

My personal interest in staff is because I have seen too many members breaking rules or maybe some members just need help but I can’t assist to my fullest ability which makes me driven to achieve this position. By having my years of experience within the Milsim Community I know what realism is classified as and know how to figure out solutions easily due to my knowledge. I also have excellent communication and knowledge of the Milsim criteria, which are essential for being a staff member in a Milsim community that is so focused on providing 110% realistic and quality roleplay. With knowledge comes skills that I have learned to come in handy to build strong relationships with members, other staff members, and partners of the server. Since I have seen my fair share of staff positions I am able to multi-task and also listen to others’ thoughts, and their concerns, and communicate with them on how I can solve the issue they are coming across with. I am able to handle an ongoing argument because am great with this type of stuff I keep a level-headed attitude and always make sure both sides are being heard. is another key attribute of a successful staff member. I am able to see problems, and then come up with a great way to solve and address them so there is no other problem with the same topic. This skill is particularly important in staff, where you may be faced with a wide range of challenges, from members arguing to developing and implementing rules. Finally, I have a genuine interest in helping others and supporting their personal knowledge and growth within the Milsim community. I also am committed to creating a great and fun roleplay for everyone to experience and expect to come back to. All in all, I have amazing communication and great knowledge, and problem-solving abilities to make sure others are having a great time within the server. With my knowledge and dedication, I am sure to be a great member of the staff team within OFSM.

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 300 Words)

What makes me qualified for a position on the staff team is my ability to handle any situation with a reasoned response to the situation or problem. I have great knowledge of all situations and interfaces within servers due to past years with a staff background and milsim background. With the knowledge I accumulated over approx. 2 years gaining knowledge and having the chance to meet great people over time, it’s no shock when you see me acting the way I do because of the people I have been around. It’s why I hold myself to a standard that most be see as “unhealthy” but it’s the that I have always known to gain knowledge which what most servers look for in their staff members; wants members that want to learn and be knowledgeable about situations that they are walking into. What makes me sit here and fill this application out is my head telling me that I am able to do this because of past experiences that have educated me on how to handle different people that I may encounter on the server so that my own knowledge isn’t going to waste. Not only do I have years of staffing under my sleeve I know how to act while staffing and be what the process is of being a staff member which is always getting the facts and knowing all the facts before making a final decision that could affect a member’s status within the server. Not only need to know all the facts but you also need to have hard evidence such as photos or clips that could provide the full truth on the event and make sure that it’s valid and discussed with other staff members before making such a swift decision that your fellow staff members do not concur with, and if they don’t get their input on it to learn on how to see things differently to make a better impact on your reputation as a member and have a better impact on your staff decision making.

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team?

Any Additional Information?

Plus or Minus with amount [EX: +1 or -1]
Reason for Plus or Minus:
I think that Bosco could be a useful asset to the OFSM staff team, he shows interest in the server and has done a bit to try and help with promotion of the server. He also worked closely with staff to help get things done with events and promotional material for the server. I also respect the fact that he held off making a staff app because he put his Faction first, realizing that it had to be active before he could move on.
Additional Information:

Plus or Minus with amount [EX: +1 or -1]
Reason for Plus or Minus:
I believe that Bosco is very respectful, and he always make sure to follow the rules whenever doing an operation in the server. I believe that this would make him a great staff member.
Additional Information: