Finn Piercy's Form Submission

Name: Finn Piercy

Discord Name: not.vulcan

Discord ID: 827730460665839666

Age: 16

DOB: 1/26/2008

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): Well to start things off, I have a large background, or history if you will in FiveM milsim servers. I have been in the milsim community for about 3 and a half years now. I first started on a no longer operating server ( so I believe ) called Battlefront Roleplay. This server is where I would learn the fundamentals of what it is like to be apart of this type of community and all the knowledge you need to know. During my time in that server, I created my own faction called the Bangladeshi armed forces with a few others. I ranked myself up to the rank of Lieutenant General (MAX) I could achieve for a while. During that time, I recruited and trained many soldiers and soon created a large force. That is where I watched and learn what I needed to know how to correctly to train people and after so many people it seems to just stick with me. Sooner then expected, the commandants (server heads) decided it would be a good time to un-ground the Bangladeshi air core and I was promoted to the rank of Chief Air Marshal. When I first started I was really big into everything aviation and I still quite am to this day but I have branched out astronomically with anything and everything military. I trained many pilots for the core and had my own air base. I would have to say I had to have trained +25 members into aviation varying on what type of aviation they wanted to be apart off such as fix wing ect. Sadly, not to long after the server was on its down fall do to the summer ending and people going back to school and work. The server went from 30+ members to like 6 in days. The server staff decided it would be best to such down the army and the air core to attempt to re-fill the marines and army but to no avail. I was transferred over to the USMC as a senior flight instructor at the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 5. I had verry little to do so soon I retired from the server and moved on in search of a new server. On my journey to here I was the head or lead of a lot of factions: (LISTED >): British Armed Forces (Brig. Gen 0-6), Iranian Armed Forces (Col. 0-7), U.S.A (Major 0-4) USMC (CWO5), ( NOTE Please understand some of the number rankings are based off of the real life ranking system of country’s or based strictly off fictional country’s or groups or military’s. Thanks!) Wagner (Capt)/B.E.A.R (Capt), T.F.O.A (Ex. director) and many many more. That sums up (Hopefully) a lot of my background telling my experience within the milsim community. I have been in countless divisions/MOS & Regiments but I choose not to bore the poor person having to read this.

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 491

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): You should consider me because of all my past experience and what I know. Like I had states previously, I have trained countless amounts of people for many Regiments and MOS’s. Overtime I learned how to correctly to train people and howe to do it quickly and promptly. I am dedicated to servers as stated before and I never cause trouble and abide by rules set and rules set by faction staff. I have, and always will respect the chain of command and know how to operate within ranks. Lastly I know of to work as a team and fulfill my duties.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 103

What faction are you applying for?: Russian Federation

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining?: Some skills I can brings is: Working swiftly/promptly as a team, knowing prior knowledge on standards and how things should look and how they are operated. Leadership knowledge, roleplaying’s skills and tactical knowledge along with problem solving abilities and knowledge about military.

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what? (If none, write NONE): Yes, the Russian Federation is the armed forces of Russia. Currently, Russian is in a war with Ukraine trying to overrun Ukrainian forces to take Ukraine into Russia. Russian troops started there invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 but they have been “at war” with each other for quite some time. To help aid in the invasion, Russia hired a private military company/contractors (PMC) know as Wagner to help with a large parentage of fighting. If you didn’t know already, Wagner gained a lot more troops do to Russia letting out prisoners and wiping their record clean if they chose to fight with the Wagner forces. Russian troops enter through various points such as going through the friendly country of Belarus to enter Ukraine. Pretty recently Wagner troops pulled back from fighting and “attempted” to attack Russian cities do to issues but that was quick shut down. Not to long after the leader of the Wagner forces, billionaire Yevgeny Prigozhin was shot out of the sky by FSB. Russian is currently still fighting within Ukraine with the Russian army and other special regiments such as the VDV.

What is our Golden Rule?: Use common sense.

What are rules 4, 9, 11, 13, 23, and 32 under General Server Rules?: #4: No advertising
#9: No drama/rumor spreading
#11: No chat spamming
#13: No contesting punishments given by staff team
#23: No faction bashing
#32: Adhere to name structure

What are rules 4, 6, 11, 13, 20, and 25 under In-Game/RP Rules?: #4: Do not contest staff punishments
#6: Tanks can not use main cannon on troops
#11: No sniping airplane pilots out of cockpits while airborne
#13: No breaking vehicle limits
#20: No using rocket propelled grenades against ground troops.
#25: Must maintain a realistic loadout for weapons.

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): If you break any of the rules enforced by the zero tolerance policy, you may be banned without reason or warning.

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes.

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

Would be a great addition to the server. Very Large background!

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