Eve's Form Submission

Name: Eve

Discord Name: Eve.

Discord ID: eve.2077

Age: 19

DOB: 08/31/2004

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): i have the worst humor know on the face of the earth and im not a complete and under dumbass. but like most people i have a passion for the military which led me here. (also, this looked like the only active fivem milsim on TikTok) so im really hoping i get in because fivepd stuff isn’t satisfying my ich for blood (jk) but other than that i mean i don’t really know what makes me deferent.

Word Count of (What makes you different?): 78

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): i come from a military background (which probably doesn’t make me different) i would also be in the military but for reasons of personal i wont disclose why im not. i have some experience in other milsims but for virtual reality instead of fivem n such with such i know not to be a complete idiot.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?): 57

What faction are you applying for?: either US army or the Canadian armed forces

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining?: unsure really, i can listen to orders good i guess. but other then that im not very sure

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what? (If none, write NONE): with the US tons like rankings, MOS’s and much more. with CAF none

What is our Golden Rule?: use common sense.

What are rules 4, 9, 11, 13, 23, and 32 under General Server Rules?: dont promote content.
names and avis must be appropriate.
topics such as religion and politics are not aloud.
dont ping (like a complete idiot) without a good reason behind it.
remain on topic and use the correct channels.
Discriminatory language and hate speech is forbidden.

What are rules 4, 6, 11, 13, 20, and 25 under In-Game/RP Rules?: dont contest with staff punishments.
tanks cant shoot at ground troops with the main cannon.
no sniping piolets while they are in the air .
dont break vehicle limits.
dont shoot ground troops with a rpg.
have a realistic loadout

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): rules that have no leniency and you can be banned for

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: yes


Rule question responses are a bit iffy, claims to come from a military background.