Clay Whitelist app

What is your name? Clay

What is your name in Discord Cole3💀#0917

What is your Discord ID? (795025697956954152)

How old are you? 16

What is your date of birth? (e.g. 1993-06-03, Follow YYYY-MM-DD) 7/10/2006

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum) What makes me different, Well I always try and find something to do that being documents to make or work to do, I cant entirely say what makes me different cause well i don’t know, But I try to always help people out when needed and always give a helping hand to someone in need, I love to make documents and discords so just let me know if yall want any of that lol.

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum) Well you should consider me cause 1 I am bringing a PMC in ahah, but no, you should consider cause I am a very mature person and love to bring the best of RP I possibly can that’s why I am bring this PMC in, so I can try and create some good RP by signing contracts and making deals ECT

Is there anyone who is currently a member of OFSM that has seen your roleplay? If yes state their name. If no one has seen your roleplay write “NO ONE”: no one

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information? yes

If you are caught using anything, or going against, Discord’s ToS this may result in an instant ban. Do you understand? yes

What skills can you bring to the faction you are joining? well I am running the Said Faction, so I can bring unique roleplay

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”: yes, I know what this PMC is I know how they operate and run

After reading the Server Rules, what are the 5 most important in-game rules in your opinion?
No doxxing anyone
No Racism, Bigoted, Sexist, Vulgar, Usernames
no using banned words like N word R slur
No blackmailing
Do not disrespect the dead

What is our Golden Rule? Use Common Sense

What are rules 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 24, 28, and 31 in General Server Rules?
7 : No doxxing anyone

8: No Racism, Bigoted, Sexist, Vulgar, Usernames

10: no using banned words like N word R slur

13: No contesting punishments given By Staff dont aruge in game or OOC

14: No blackmailing

17: dont ask about your whitelist app

20: dont disrespect people who have server/serving

21: dont disrespect the dead

24: dont aruge in discord chats

28: Absolutelty no ERP


Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand) yes

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste)

Yall take ZTP very serious cause if broken it can cause HARM within the community, if ZTP is broken you will be banned without talking.

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

Would be a great addition to the server, understands the rules.

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