Anton Volkov's Form Submission

Name: Anton Volkov

Discord Name: itzrosstho

Discord ID: 1008465884374904932

Age: 18

DOB: 2005-06-19

What makes you different? (75 Word Minimum): Hello, My name is Ross aka Anton Volkov (My rp name). I believe I am a different applicant than your average one because of the skills and quality roleplay I am able to bring. I am a realism enthusiast and I ensure to make all the roleplay scenarios realistic and fun. I believe that I am different from other applicants because of my skills, personality, greatness and quality assurance. I am a skill full person who has knowledge in many spaces, such as aviation. I believe I can bring the best of the best to the server with my top notch abilities.

Word Count of (What makes you different?): Error while executing JS

Why should we consider you? (50 Word Minimum): You as OFSM should consider me, because of the greatness I am and can bring to the server. I’m not your average role-player. I am a person who truly bring experience to the rp scenes and fields. I should be chosen not only because of my talent full skills but my knowledge and amazing personally and communication skills that can help in many ways.

Word Count of (Why should we consider you?):

Do you agree with our server rules, zero tolerance policy and any other information?: Yes.

What Faction or PMC are you applying for? Check Faction Information for available Factions & PMCs: SOVIET RAIDERS.

What skills can you bring to the Faction or PMCS you are applying for?: I can bring great flight skills, Infantry skills, great aim, great driving, great communication and amazing character.

Do you have any prior knowledge about your chosen faction? If so what, if none, write “NONE”:: NONE

What is our Golden Rule?: Use Common Sense.

What are rules 7, 8, 13, 17, 20, 24, and 31 in General Server Rules?: NO DOXXING ANYONE
No Racism / Bigoted / Sexist / Vulgar Usernames
No contesting punishments given By Staff
Do Not Ask When Your Whitelist Application Will be Accepted
Do not disrespect those who have served/are serving
Do Not argue in Discord Channels/Chats
Absolutely No Mod Menus

Do you understand the Faction Vehicle Limits? (If you do not, write what you do not understand): Yes.

What is our Zero Tolerance Policy? (In your own words, Do not copy and paste): The basic ZTP rule is have common sense. Don’t be stupid FOLLOW SERVER RULES AT ALL TIMES. Read server rules and use your brain.

Approved or Denied?


Why did you Approve or Deny it?

Would be a great addition to the server, tho i think you do not clarify enough on zero tolerance i think you understand it enough to for approval.

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