Aiden's warn appeal

What is your name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

What is your Discord ID? (Optional, Recommended)

Who warned you? If you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for your history.

What were you warned for? Put in the reason as 1:1 as you can remember below, if you don’t remember, open a ticket and ask for you history.
I was warned for messing around in zancudo with the 4 other people on the server.

Why should we accept your appeal? (50 Word Minimum)
You should accept my appeal because I have learned by my mistakes to not mess around when its the wrong time. I have bettered myself in many ways, I also help people to not make the same mistakes. I am also learning new things about this server and am now getting an understanding of everything.

Do you understand that asking about your appeal will get it denied instantly? Allow up to 1 week for your appeal to be reviewed by OFSM Staff. If your appeal has not been reviewed in 2 weeks, open a ticket.

Approved or Denied?


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