Aiden's Staff application

Name in Discord (e.g. John#1111)

Name in FiveM (e.g. John Doe)
T. Kelce

NOTE: Every applicant requires a minimum of 2 Staff Referrals. 1 Referral may be from an Executive Staff Team Member. The second can’t be. If you fail to have 2 Staff Referrals, your application will be instantly denied.

Please provide the names of the Staff Members that referred you:


NOTE: Every applicant must have a minimum of 2 Days played on the server. This ensures that you have experienced a fair amount of what our server offers and what you can expect from it.
Check your play time by doing “/playtime” while in game.

What is your playtime in the server?

Why do you want to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 150 Words)
I want to join the I have seen personally seen too many people break server rules, and I strive to help these people learn and know the rules. I also would like to join the OFSM staff team in light of the fact that I have years of military simulation experience and staff experience for a little over 2 years, and that will give me a good standing of where everything works. I strive to support people in their decisions if they are good and they are bad I will steer them toward the rules for in the future they don’t break them. I have a long temper so when people try to argue or get mad I can de-escalate situations in many ways that can calm everyone in a situation. I like to be faced with many challenges, which will extend myself in many ways and will be helpful. I put myself to a standard to show a great example of myself for other people to act and follow all the rules so they show other people to follow the rules for everyone from old to new people for everyone. I can communicate with people in many ways, and my education can help me in many ways also because I want to help the server show a good reputation for the public and new people that would like to be a part of the community. I like to face many challenges that can be a part of this job. I have a good standing with the community and people within. I can multi-task in many ways and I’m good at it. Another reason i would be a staff team member is because i have a neutral standing with everyone e in the server. One more thing, by having no staff member in RU at the current time it would improve Rp within RU in and out of apps

What makes you qualified to join the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team? (Minimum 150 Words)
What makes me qualified to be a part of the Operation Freedom Storm Mil sim staff team is that I can handle many situations. I can communicate with everyone in many ways. I another reason is i like to learn and give important knowledge to countless people to learn and teach myself and other people. Another reason that makes me qualified is that I have been staffed in other v-menu’s and economy servers and have always had a good reputation for everyone to know how to follow the rules in a respectful manner of the server and the people in the server. I like to gain knowledge from numerous people and I listen to what they have to say. I do like to understand people’s situations or both sides of a story, so everyone can have a better understanding of rules and improvement of role play. I know the rules in the server, and I can enforce these rules in a good manner to help people and show them the right way to do things. It is important sometimes to hear another side or perspective on stories in all ways, I have effort and dedication to all sorts of projects, purposes, and goals along the way. Some other things that make me qualified for the staff positions are that I can remain calm under stressful situations and help in so many ways it’s amazing to help with anything. I know i have recently been aggressive in game chat and in discord. Becoming a staff member would help me learn and stop making mistakes .

Do you understand that if any information provided is found to be false, you may be blacklisted from joining the Operation Freedom Storm Staff Team?

Any additional information you want to provide?


I still would like to see some in-game improvement. When it comes to arguing in chat and fighting with members. I know we talked about it yesterday. Keep up the good work so I can + your app.

Positive or negative


Has shown maturenes on the server and has a good sense for what is good for the server.

Positive or negative?


I think you have improved a lot maturity wise and I see that you have been very involved with the server lately and are trying to make a name in the community.